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Piano Music by Asian Composers: Southern Asia

Sri Lanka - Iran


Wijeratne, Dinuk (b.1978) (Not in the MSM Library catalog; see WorldCat.)

  • Colour Study in Rupak taal (2007)


Melik-Aslanian, Emanuel (1915-2003, Iran) (Not in the MSM Library catalog; see WorldCat.)

  • Parvaneh (1954) (7’)
  • Fantasie in Tchahargah (8’)
  • Variation on a Theme of Komitas
  • Variation on a caucasian Theme
  • Poem Fantastique á la Rachmaninoff

Rouhani, Mehran (b.1946, Iran, UK) (Not in the MSM Library catalog; see WorldCat.)

  • Elegiac Dance
  • Mirrors Suite

Hossein, Aminollah (1905-1983, Iran, Azerbaijan, France)

  • Op. 18 Mosaics
  • Op. 19 Mosaics
  • 3 Etudes
  • Caravan 9 (2’)
  • Prelude No. 1 (Homage to Omar Khayyam) (6’)
  • Op. 35 Persian Suite