Welcome to the Peter Jay Sharp Library!
Here are a few recommended steps for getting to know the library at MSM - so that you'll be ready for anything as the semester gets underway.
For Canvas, MSM email, and other MSM online services, access the MSM portal.
Review these library policies and privileges. You're responsible for knowing this information.
Note: Please do not write in/markup the library's scores!
Light markings made for rehearsal purposes must be completely erased before returning, or you will be billed for a replacement.
If you are working on a piece extensively with your teacher, it may be best to buy your own copy.
Set up your account for the copy machines. We recommend doing this before the semester starts (and assignments are due!).
Learn about our call number system. Knowing the basics will help immensely when browsing the shelves for repertoire and books.
Use this link to find course reserve books and scores. These are materials that your instructors have asked us to keep behind the circulation desk so that everyone can share them for assignments. Simply request them at the circulation desk -- they check out for 2 hours at a time.
Browse and get to know our digital resources. They are all free for you to use while you're here. And you can start using them immediately.
Most work using your Library login. The few below, however, require some extra steps before you can start using them:
The library offers a few different ways to search for resources. Below are a few links to get your searching started. You can also always access these directly from the library homepage.
Try a few searches to get a sense of how to find what you need in the library.
MSM on WoldCat allows you to search the catalogs of the MSM Library and thousands of libraries worldwide all at once. Using this interface, you can also directly request Interlibrary Loans. Consider downloading the WorldCat Find app on your phone or tablet.
Confused? Learn more here: catalog search tricks and tips.
Note: If you don't already have a tablet, you might want to consider getting one. While not essential, it comes in handy when using our digital resources.