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Status Codes in the Catalog: A Guide

For most items, as you search the catalog, you'll see a box showing LOCATION, CALL NUMBER, and STATUS information.

This guide explains the codes used in that last category (STATUS).

Arrived, in process
It is cataloged and here on the Library premises, waiting to be bound.

Arrived, to be cataloged
We have it here on the premises, and it is in the queue to be cataloged and bound.

The item is on the shelf.

Away at the bindery
The item was sent out to our commercial binder in another state. Expect this to take one to two months.

Being repaired
The item was damaged and is being repaired by Library staff; or it is about to be shipped off to our commercial bindery for rebinding.

Claims returned
Now and then, there is confusion about whether something was returned. If we're still trying to clear it up, this is the message you'll see. You might find it worthwhile to check the shelf--it could be there.

Coming soon!
It's almost ready to be go out on the shelf.

Constitution Day Exhibit
Every September 17 is Constitution Day. We take a few relevant items from our collection and place them together on or near the reference desk. You are welcome to browse through them and check them out--that's the whole point, to encourage you to explore the U.S. Constitution.

Damaged. To be replaced
It's beyond repair, perhaps missing pages, and we plan to order a replacement. If you need it immediately, ask the circulation manager, who might be able to let you have the damaged copy for keeps.

The item has been checked out and is due on the date specified. Patrons have a guaranteed minimum loan period of 28 days; after that, an item is available for recall. So even if a due date is months away, if you place a hold on it (click "Hold This Item for Me"), a new date will be calculated for the current holder of the item. You might get it much sooner than the due date you see.

In-library use only
Certain reference items and course reserve materials are supposed to be used in the Library. Many reference scores, however, including the critical editions of composers' complete works and the so-called "monuments of music" series may be checked out overnight. Ask at the reference desk or circulation desk.

We haven't been able to locate the item on the shelf, but we also haven't yet ordered a replacement. It might be worth your while to look on the shelf; sometimes these things do reappear.

Lost and paid by patron
A patron was unable to return the item, and paid the bill for its replacement. Usually, you'll see that an order for a replacement has been placed, or that the replacement has already arrived. If not, click "Hold This Item for Me," and that will prompt us to expedite our replacement procedure.

We've looked and looked but can't find it. You might find it worthwhile to look as well; sometimes these things reappear.

New in the Library Shelf
There's a shelf across from the reference desk where we place many of the new items coming into the collection. They're in call number order--for the benefit of your colleagues, please try to keep them that way.

On holds shelf
The item is being held in the Library for a patron who requested it. (You may NOT borrow it temporarily!)

On missing parts shelf
Somebody returned a set incomplete, or we found it that way on the shelf. We keep these behind the circulation desk for a while with the dream of reuniting the family one day. (If you photocopy a part from a set, please return it to the set when you're done!)

On order
We've ordered it, but it hasn't come in yet.

Patron billed
Somebody checked it out, didn't return it by the due date, and we're still trying to get it back.

RARE: Lib Dir's Office
A few items that are difficult to find or replace are kept in the Library Director's office. Click "Hold This Item for Me," or simply drop by the Director's office (located off the main reading area).

Contact Recording Arts
The Library does not own public-access copies of some of our earlier recordings. The Recording Studio has the master tapes. You can contact MSM's Orto Center for information about them; just be advised that most are on reels, and it may not be possible to play it or obtain a copy quickly.

Yes, it happens. If you're blocked from borrowing, please come talk to us before you resort to desperate measures. If you know that somebody has taken something from the Library illegitimately, see the Library Director. Your anonymity is assured.

Withdrawn from collection
We have taken the item out of the collection. Usually, we try to re-order. In some cases, with might not, especially if it out of print and has been supplanted by a subsequent edition.