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Magazines, Newspapers, and Periodicals: Home

Magazines, Newspapers, and Periodicals

Use the Magazine Rack below to see what serials we subscribe to, and how you can access them. Click any title for more information.

Flipster and Exact Editions offer some of the most popular titles, and their apps help enhance reading experiences on tablets and phones. JSTOR and the Music Periodicals Database offer indexing to hundreds of titles, with full-text of individual articles available for many.

Magazine Rack

American Harp Journal

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library. Recent issues can be read online.

Atlantic Monthly

Current and back issues can be downloaded through Flipster, or read online in a browser.


Current and back issues can be downloaded through Flipster, or read online in a browser.

Bass World

Bass World (International Society of Double Bassists)

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library

BBC Music Magazine

Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.


Current and back issues can be downloaded through Flipster, or read online in a browser.

Chamber Music

Chamber Music

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

Choir & Organ

Choir & Organ

Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.

The Clarinet

The Clarinet (International Clarinet Association)

Current and back issues available through the Music Periodicals Index.

Classical Music

Classical Music

Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.

Classical Singer

Classical Singer

Current and back issues available digitally through CS Music.

The Diapason

The Diapason

Current and back issues available digitally through the Diapason website.


Double Reed

Double Reed

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.


Current and back issues can be downloaded through Flipster, or read online in a browser.

Flute Talk

Flute Talk

Ceased publication in 2021. Back issues available digitally through The Instrumentalist


Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.

The Instrumentalist

The Instrumentalist

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

International Musician

International Musician

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

International Piano

Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.

ITEA Journal

ITEA Journal (International Tuba-Euphonium Association)

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library

ITG Journal

ITG Journal (International Trumpet Guild)

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

Jazz & Culture

Jazz & Culture

Current and back issues available through Scholarly Publishing Collective.


Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.

Journal of the American Viola Society

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

Journal of Music Theory

Journal of Music Theory

Current and back issues available digitally through Duke University Press.



An index to many magazines and journals, often with full-text available.

The Musical Quarterly

The Musical Quarterly

Current issues available digitally through Oxford University Press. Back issues available digitally through JSTOR.

The Musical Times

Ceased publication Summer 2024.

Musicals Magazine

Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.

New York Concert Review

New York Concert Review

Available digitally through the New York Concert Review website.

New York Magazine

New York Magazine

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

The New York Review of Books

Current and back issues can be downloaded through Flipster, or read online in a browser.

The New York Times

The New York Times

All-digital access on-campus and off after establishing your personal login.

The New Yorker

Current and back issues can be downloaded through Flipster, or read online in a browser.

Opera; with Opera News

Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.

Opera America

Opera America

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

Opera Now

Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.

Das Orchester

Das Orchester

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library. Possibly moving to digital subscription.

Percussive Notes

Percussive Notes

Current and back issues available digitally through Percussive Arts Society.

Perspectives of New Music

Perspectives of New Music

Current and back issues available digitally through Project MUSE.



Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

Piano Guild Notes

Piano Guild Notes

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

Piano Magazine

Piano Magazine

Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.

Saxophone Symposium

Saxophone Symposium

Digital access coming soon.

The Strad

Current and back issues can be downloaded through the Exactly app, or read online in a browser.



Find it on the magazine rack in the Library.